I’ve noticed you often coach in cities where English is not the first language. Will the language barrier be a problem?
I’ve seen on your YouTube videos that some students are filmed. Will I be on camera if I attend a workshop?
I don’t want to get stuck with a bunch of weird pick-up nerds. Who are your typical clients?
I’m over 40. Am I too old for your workshops?
I’m worried I’ll do the workshop but not be able to approach afterwards. Do you have any follow-up coaching for after the workshop?
What should I tell my colleagues, friends and family when they ask why I’m travelling?
Do you offer any guarantees?
What’s included in the workshop cost?
I’m a college/university student, are your workshops suitable for me?
I can’t find your pricing anywhere. How much do your workshops cost?
How does the EuroTour work?
I’m an introvert. Is your coaching suitable for me?
I feel strange for having to get coached on how to meet women. Is this normal?
Will you help me to get over my approach anxiety?

The Euro Tour

Next Tour Dates

What if you could learn everything you ever needed to know on how to seduce women and create the love life you want in just 10 days?

That may sound like a big claim, but for close to a hundred men who have been lucky enough to come for this exclusive live coaching program, that promise is true.

May 25th - Jun 5th 2022

2022 The Euro Tour #1 (Barcelona)

9 spot(s) available

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